New Product Release: 2847AD Zulu Main Battle Tank

As I continue to write my way though my first science fiction novel, I find it helps tremendously to make some visuals to help me place things in the right place. A lot goes into figuring things out when writing a possible future for the human race and among them is the look and feel of items. I decided to start writing my novel 2847AD after challenging myself to do so and it has lead me down a road of new ways of thinking about everyday items. Design is rather easy to me compared to writing which makes it all the more enjoyable experience to meld the two together.

So without further delay, here is my latest product designed based on my upcoming science fiction book. It’s the Zulu Main Battle Tank, no, there isn’t any wars happening in my book but civilization has had to adapt to new realities both on the ground and beyond. In the real world, this tank would stand close to 8 stories high, is nuclear powered and is equipped with a rail gun but as these items are hard to come by, I figure making a wooden version available would be just as cool for now!

It’s available right now at in both blueprint and laser cut kits (both 4mm and 6mm) which include everything you need except for rubber bands. It features turning wheels and turret, retractable cannon with projectiles made out of wood and even better, a very straight-forward assembly process. It may look complicated, but putting it together isn’t.

Laser-Cut Kit (4mm) has approximate dimensions of L: 27cm, W: 15, H: 15cm while the 6mm has dimensions of about L: 40cm, W: 22, H: 22cm.

You can find my Zulu Main Battle Tank at under the heading Special / Series / 2847AD.

2847AD Zulu Main Battle Tank

Full Armor Gear Tank

A little while back, I designed my first wooden tank and thought it was the coolest thing ever, as you can see, the progress in every aspect of design has improved tremendously, not only does my new Zulu Main Battle Tank shoot real projectiles but it’s also a far stronger assembly system overall and even down to the wheels, far more detailed. This tank is of course, available for purchase at under Special / Series / Full Armor Gear. I am debating doing a remake of it to use square dowels, I like this tank the way it is.