New models soon: processing errors causing delays

One of the major selling points for this website is that we provide free 3D animations showing how our models are built before anybody purchases a blueprint. If guests consider things to be a little too complicated or not to their liking, they can easily view others animations and gage their interest from there.

As such, relies heavily on in order to steam these 3D animated videos. For the past two weeks, has had trouble accepting new files from us, they are looking into the issue to help find out the cause. I personally know the animations we produced are fine because they work fine on, and a host of other sites… so this is a problem specific to I want, for consistency sake, to stick with one streaming provider.

Due to these processing issues on their end, I have had to delay the introduction of some new models, please be patient with them and us, new, unique and interesting projects are coming again. has been a fantastic partner with us so far and help make this site possible for all to enjoy.

This only seems to affect newly uploaded videos, and all other video streams are work fantastic!

Thanks for your patronage and understanding!