New book out very, very soon!

As I write this, I’m going through the final proof of my upcoming book Think it, Build it, Sell it!

cnc roi book

I’ve also updated the book cover, above is the proof version, the bottom picture is the update as it had a bit of an issue regarding alignment (ironically, it’s now hidden due to the image watermark!)

cnc roi book

Going though 500+ pages of content, fixing grammar, layout and pose takes time and yes, even after editors have gone through the book, there are still plenty of mistakes to be found. At this point, I’m looking at a release on Amazon by the end of July – ahead of schedule which is great as my activities and projects at keep increasing as more and more companies discover the solutions I can offer. was a fantastic proving ground for me, I learned so much about CNC machines on both the technical and design front that it has helped me tremendously with my custom CNC shop. I already had a business background as you’ve read from my previous volume which has proven to be a great asset as well.

I began on this journey back when I had where I’d contact manufacturers around the world with custom 3D industrial animation services (I taught myself) which then evolved into and has now gone back full circle back into the physical world with

I really enjoy the unique position I’ve put myself into, I have shop owners, like myself, from a wide variety of fields and designers alike who have given me awesome advice that I’ve been able to put together into a book which I believe will be a very valuable tool for anybody thinking about jumping into this kind of business.

I’ve finally gotten around to updating the RSS feed for my sites too, I had a lot of double entries before which was annoying, hopefully the third time I fixed this issue actually did just that, FIXED IT! We’ll see on Tuesday how that went.