My holiday reading list… for growth!

Although I get the majority of my avenues of growth both personally and professionally, I do read books every once in a while for an “intensive crash course” to fill my to-do lists. Here is what I’ve read or will be reading over the Christmas/New Year holiday season.

This book gave me lots of ideas, I gathered 3 pages of notes for improvements across my businesses and oddly enough, physical books!

A rather dry book, has some good info but wouldn’t recommend it… it’s like reading a university text book… just tell me what works and what doesn’t, I don’t care about the statistics and what brought them on. This book could be summarized into a valuable book 1/10th the size.

I am getting into video in a huge way next year, and my products are basically little infomercials… so this got me many ideas to implement once I make live videos and improving 3D assembly animations.

My video knowledge is rather limited, this book got me to where I’ll be next year – lots of very good information and I really like the layout… got some ideas for my own future books out of this one too!

I want to make more complex and dynamic models, so this book (and the one below) are perfect ideas factories that can be adapted to laser or cnc wood projects. Very informative, lots of pictures and fun to go through.

There are also lots of steam and wooden machineries shown from ancient times, very good source material!