Monster Box: Amazing new laser project! has a new designer, his name is Jarek and when I first saw his design for a monster box, I wanted it made available to my customers. This is a fantastic engraving project for anybody with a laser cutter. The project is easy but what sells it is the detail Jarek put into it… it came out fantastic in the 3D renderings and I look forward to making a real life sample as well (though there are lots of pictures in the product description page of the one he cut/engraved).

Monster Box

Monster Box is anything but monstrous!

You can find this woodworking project under Collaborations / Jarek in EPS format. I didn’t make a DXF version as I don’t know how to save it with the engraving information but the PDF does a good job if you wish to give this a go using traditional woodworking and a hot iron.

Monster Box: 3D Assembly Animation

As always, I’m trying to find places of improvement… tried a green background for the final shot of the animation and I think it makes the product stand-out far better than the gold I use to use. We’ll see how the videos evolve!