Medieval Castle Laser Cutting Projects on

I really like Medieval building styling and the cool siege weapons they had back then… they used simple mechanics with terrifying results against equally overbuilt buildings. It’s fun to look back but I don’t think I’d want to be living at either end of the stick during an invasion… it was a brutal time.

Luckily for us, you can relive the past without having to deal with the associated injuries through several laser cutting projects here on! All of these projects can be found under the heading CNC Laser Projects > Medieval.

Medieval Castle Village & Siege Weapons

For a truly aw-inspiring Medieval laser cutting project, give this 1112 piece project a try. The Medieval Castle Village & Siege Weapons is an incredible project and something that’s just amazing… I made a slideshow to show everything you get with this download. The siege weapons along make this project worthwhile but you also get a whole medieval village too! Awesome project by Andrea!

Medieval Castle Walls B

This project is equally as large as the first one but more spread-out. This was a major update to the first Medieval Castle Walls I built… hence the “B” designation. Unlike Andrea’s Medieval Castle Village & Siege Weapons, this one is low to the ground and has a tremendous amount of repetitive parts for easy and straight-forward designing. It still has over 300 pieces but don’t let that stop you – hours of fun can be have with this one! This is still among my favorite projects.

Medieval Castle

I built this years after Medieval Castle Walls B in order to have something to fit in the middle – the proportions should be within the spectrum of reality between the two projects. Get the walls, the castle or get both! This project has over 250 pieces (hope you’re seeing a trend here) and like the previous project, this one is also pretty straight forward with lots of repetition so the piece count is deceptive. What I especially like about my Medieval Castle was the fact that Trotec Laser cut a copy of it for a massive toy fair in Europe to have at their booth!


Medieval Castle Bank

The smallest of the bunch, my Medieval Castle Bank was made to be compact as its only purpose in life is to hold your money… if you need more room – time to open a bank account! This was a fun little project with many things I couldn’t really build into the larger medieval buildings. It also has less than 30 pieces!

There you have it, a listing of Medieval Castles that can be laser cut within an afternoon and assembled the following day or a few hours later depending on your ambition. If you are new to laser cutting, I’d suggest you work your way from the bank to the walls then to Andrea’s project then finally to my Medieval Castle – Medieval Castle Village & Siege Weapons is a great project without the tight tolerances that my Medieval Castle has.

Enjoy your medieval adventures… and be sure to send me some awesome pictures of your battle with these laser cutting projects!