Mayan, Stereo and TV Banks + Brontosaurus, Future Car, Chinook Helicopter, Platform Crane and Rhinoceros are all DXF’ed
I just got another batch of files converted to DXF for all you guys with a CNC router. I got a pretty good flow going now so it’s happening pretty fast now. Some of these models like the Platform Crane and the Full Armor Gear series can not be released as DXFs and EPS again, sure they require dowels but no big deal… they are still very good models.
Mayan Temple Bank: 3D Assembly Animation
I really find the story of the Mayan (Aztek) people fascinating because their civilization is running pretty much in sinc with theirs… hopefully we smarten up before our growth expands beyond our ability to be taken over by nature’s ways. Find it under Category / Banks
Stereo Bank: 3D Assembly Animation
Made right after the TV bank (below), this guy is a more complex blend of some of the ideas that I come-up with making the TV. Find it under Category / Banks
TV Bank: 3D Assembly Animation
Personalization at it’s finest… in a bank no less. Cool! Find it under Category / Banks
Brontosaurus: 3D Assembly Animation
I like dinosaurs among many other things on Earth but this guy would have been an incredible sight to behold! Find it under Theme / Pre-Historic / Dinosaurs
Future Car: 3D Assembly Animation
This car is so simple to put together, even a child could do it… which is the point! Find it under Category / Vehicles / Cars
Chinook Helicopter: 3D Assembly Animation
Chinook Helicopters are the workhorse of many militaries… powerful in every respect. Find it under Category / Vehicles / Aircraft
Platform Crane: 3D Assembly Animation
After I built this platform crane, I jumped right into the first mobile version followed by Mobile Crane B which was a massive upgrade. Find it under Category / Vehicles / Construction
Rhinoceros: 3D Assembly Animation
This rhinoceros made it in the pages of Inc. Magazine! Find it under Theme / Mammals