March 1st, 2009 Review

A few weeks ago, I decided to keep track of our video views and post updates every month for the heck of it. Our total video views up till February 1st were 177 735 and now, on March 1st, they have hit 190 638! A 7% total increase in only a month is incredible! Considering we haven’t released anything new in the past weeks (new 1TB hard drive should be here any day now), I am surprised it grew by so much… 13K views!

I am sure will hit 200K views when April 1st rolls around, we have a lot of significant updates and models queued-up just waiting to be unleashed on our site 🙂 The question is, will it grow by a single or double digit total?

Other achievements of note

  • we welcomed Ricky Joyce, a new designer, who made an amazing snowboarding themed coaster
  • we released our Cantilever table and, another first, also showed video of the construction process from start to finish, this file alone was 3GB!
  • we welcomed Phil Morrison, another new designer who made a really cool die that is both a puzzle and a set of six coasters
  • updated the design of our blog
  • published our first book, Top Sellers, now available on
  • ran-out of hard drive space!

The Bottom Line

This month was the slowest release wise (not sales wise) but we still accomplished a lot, March will rock for sure!