Make Magazine Volume 40: I’m on Page 19!

I’m a subscriber to Make Magazine ( now that I’ve moved back to North America and happily the first issue I got has me in it with my Wooden Big Wheels – full page no less! The ShopBot Desktop (build by you see in the background is what’s responsible for making that entire project… tough little guy for sure!

make magazine cantin

There will be some generated links below this blog post to articles I wrote about the Wooden Big Wheels including how I went about designing it. You can also get the plans to cut your own using a CNC laser cutter or CNC router at

As for the ShopBot itself, it has finally arrived in Canada and I can pick it up in a few days… oh yeah… I should also have my Trotec Speedy 400 flexx here in a few days too… it just landed! In the meantime, I’ve been hanging around meeting and networking with people all around the region to offer my custom CNC services – little tough when you don’t have the machines on-site but that should be sorted shortly.

make magazine cantin

So three cheers to Make for sticking me in their pages – it’s an awesome opportunity and another three cheers to the awesome guys at ShopBot Tools for making an industrial strength machine that just won’t quit even in the face of a large project like my Wooden Big Wheels was! If you want to cut one of these, please take my advice and do so with at least a half-sheet router if not a full-sheet one.

I’m sorting out a few details but looks like I’ll be able to make it to Maker Faire Detroit… if you are heading there as well, let me know and we can meet-up. I should be posting a lot more frequently soon.