Major Optimization Effort

Part of the long process of this migration away from involves optimizing every aspect of the site based on the feedback I’ve received though the years by visitors and customers – when  good idea was presented to me, I’d write it down as I envisioned one day going through the entire database (as I’m doing now) and implementing them one product at a time.

For instance, 3D printer files don’t really have a scale, you can bring the file up or down and it will print fine (within reason) so having dimensions is rather useless as far as letting the potential customer know. Just looking at the model and physical pictures (which I’ll have much more of along with video), most 3D printing enthusiasts know if it’s within their ability or their machines to create a successful model.

This is where the power of video is really important for – I’ve done this with CNC table router projects and it’s been a tremendous help to customers around the world and when you throw-in a 3D assembly animation – it’s golden! I will be doing this with the 3D printed files and laser cutter files on the site too but the “cost” of doing so much in video is that search engines can’t index video much less images efficiently so what I gain in one area I lose in another. I believe that eventually, video will be indexable and that’s where this site will ultimately shine beyond targeting strategic partnerships with manufacturers and CNC service providers.

cnc table router project - easter island storage head

I wish this was just a simple copy/paste from one site to another but the reason I’m able to grow these sites so “fast” is because of this simplification – I can spend an hour creating the most amazing product description known to man BUT that won’t generate as much traffic over the long term as just booting-up the video camera and me showing you what you are about to buy. I do provide assembly instructions for CNC table router and laser cutting files but these can also be greatly simplified simply because I have a 3D animation showing how parts to together. Again, if you want to push lots of product out the door, getting rid of any extra and inefficient steps must be a continual focus – this is all the more critical to online businesses where it has a direct impact on sales and customer service.

My eventual goal is to be able to release a NEW model on almost a daily basis, whether that’s for a 3D printer, table router or laser cutter or even 5-axis, lathe, plasma cutter… you name it! I think that’s the amount of product that needs to get out and to be quite frank, making, designing and getting things from other fantastic designers all around the world – rather easy to accomplish ONCE I have all the pieces in place to make it happen as efficiently as possible. If you want to get somewhere fast, you buy a jet – not a push bike!