Little Big Planet Tank

I’ve been trying to figure out how to design workable tank tracks like this using wood for quite a while using the minimum of pieces… seeing this blew me away!

When I first saw this animation, I wasn’t sure if it was made using 3D, stop motion or a combination of the two as you can see the tank tracks don’t seem to have anything keeping them together but there is a little guy driving it. I was REALLY confused as the track dynamics look so amazing… something incredibly difficult to do with either technique. The quality is so astounding that this guy should get an Oscar! Incredible work!

Little Big Planet

Then I looked at the title and it struck me as kinda odd… not a normal name you would give to a tank 😉 I also saw a bunch of other animations using the same theme… this guy must never sleep and have a whole team producing these animations… again, the quality was incredible! Then I saw this video.

Wow… this is a PS3 game! Now it makes sense… what an INCREDIBLE GAME IDEA! I wish I had this when I was a kid… it’s the only game I would have ever played (other than Final Fantasy of course)! Considering all the crap games out there… here is one that is incredibly creative, genuine and a child can learn an incredible amount about engineering, dynamics and really put them on a very good path towards future success!

The Bottom Line

Designing things can be fun… and games like this should be a “must have” for every child other there!