Light Table CNC: New Table Router Project Launch!
Across six 6mm thick sheets measuring 500mm x 400mm, you can create your own light table with your CNC table router. I made some pretty big modifications to the original laser version of this light table to take advantage of what I had learned about design since building the original (laser assembly version below).
Light Table: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)
You can easily compare these two versions with the CNC version of the assembly below.
The files are available in PartWorks, DXF, AI and EPS file formats right now at under ShopBot Table Router Projects.
Light Table?
As I mentioned in this cutting video, these light tables are hard to find, sadly – as I learned a lot from playing around with one, tracing pictures others had drawn. Sure, the computer can do this far more efficiently and quickly but something about using a pencil or market on paper as a kid is lost… it’s like playing with Lego vs video games (I played with both). Both are constructive in my opinion but building something with your hands teaches you more than virtually.

Light Table CNC – gluing it all together!
ShopBot’ing a Light Table: Proof of Concept
Light Table CNC: 3D Assembly Animation (10800HD)