Lasers Are Crazy!!! Video

I know, these two guys don’t exactly improve our image of geek dancing but hey, Lasers Are Crazy!

Thanks for the heads-up Trotec Laser Canada!


Lasers are crazy
Shine through the hazy
Lasers are crazy
Shine through the hazy

Makes me want to know all about
How we figured them out
Why we can’t live without

Light amplification
Stimulated emission of radiation
In other words, LASER
Looks like a taser
Or a light saber used by Darth Vader
But don’t get it twisted cuz those aren’t the same, a laser’s
Spatially coherent try to get that in your brain
Gotta thank quantum physics cuz they helped us out
In learning what these lasers are all about
It can kind of be confusing so just listen straight
Electrons get excited and they enter quantum states
Then the particles interact with light
They absorb or emit photonsso tight
They can either be spontaneous or stimulated
But this info is legit so don’t get it jaded
A laser’s not simple but you know it’s essential
We gotta use em to their full potential