Laser Cutting a Plywood P38 Lightning Aircraft

One of my favorite models on that I’ve designed is the P38 Lightning Aircraft, it’s a simple model to put together and it looks great at all angles – hats off to the original designers of this real awesome aircraft!

Plywood P38 Lightning Aircraft

I decided to take a picture of what I see when the model is being cut with my Trotec Speedy 400 flexx – in this case I used the CO2 laser, all 100 watts worth!

Plywood P38 Lightning Aircraft

You can see the masking taking-in all the smoke in strides – I have a 2 HP extractor on this machine with gas kit and a vacuum table which all work together wonderfully. My board was a bit warped to I slowed down the laser a bit so that there was more than enough power going through to cut all the way through the 5 mm thick plywood.

Plywood P38 Lightning Aircraft

After the pieces are all cut, I took them off the bed of the laser and removed the masking, there is a bit of soot on some of these parts because I wanted to get an idea of how much smoke is being left on the underside if I didn’t use masking. It’s minimal at best especially when these parts can be used inside where they won’t be noticed.

Plywood P38 Lightning Aircraft

The model was put together all in one shot, clamps are a woodworker’s best friend (after the wood stove in the Canadian winter months) and a few hours later, the finished model is looking good!

Plywood P38 Lightning Aircraft

Of course, I made a video of the cutting and assembly process, watch it below – it isn’t realtime as I want these to be quick and to the point. You can find this model and a bunch more at – this model is available in both CNC laser and CNC router optimized versions. Enjoy!