Laser Cut Eiffel Tower: Design Update 2

Still have a few hours ahead of me here at so much more to see tomorrow but at least now I have the angles worked-out for the base and got a few tweeks figured-out. With simply the based worked-out, it’s already starting to be recognizable.


Laser Cut Eiffel Tower

What I want to do is like the real version, have a solid base under the legs as well as a solid platform above to lock the angle in… it’s very hard to do this through trial and error – that’s where building the model in 3D has incredible advantages. If I stagger the solids correctly, the entire base will be locked-in and unable to move at all. I know the original also has a doubled-up structure, still debating whether to add this or not but not a problem, it’s easily added later in the construction process if I decide to go that route.

If you look at the front leg bottom right corner, you’ll see there is a solid fill where there should be a hole – 3DS Max does this at random when ever I have a mesh with tons of holes, bit of a pain and hoping it will go away with additional modifications but it doesn’t affect the plans themselves as the hole is there to begin with.

Overall, a fun build and the construction is very straight-forward. More tomorrow on this model!