Jon’s new book available now!

Things have been very busy here at with new products, opportunities coming from all corners and working with designers to get even more cool stuff going.

My goal this year was to publish 3 new books, so far, one has been published and the other two are at different stages of being proofed for release. They are Volume 2 which will be AMAZING! While the other is a science fiction book that should be released later in the fall if all goes to plan.

Transforming Your Life From Blah To Legendary!: A Guide For Massive Positive And Lasting Changes In Your Life

I decided to write this book because it summarizes my view on life and the habits that have allowed me to live a rather different life than what is told to us to live out of school. I enjoy traveling the world, learning new things and expanding my horizons through various entrepreneurial endeavors. I really enjoy giving the tools to others to improve their life and I think writing a book that is a step-by-step guide towards achieving a rewarding life is a good start.

I have read far too many self-help and business books, they all start sounding the same, even sharing quotes between one another so I decided to do something completely different. First, I enjoy humor and comics so each “day” is summarized with one followed by a paragraph going more in-depth then more details about the topic at hand followed by a “call to action” sort of speak.

It’s a little hard to explain so I have taken the extra step of allowing you to search and view the book online though Amazon’s “Search Inside” program which is really a great way to preview a book. I did everything that you see myself, from 3D-drawing the comic panels to writing and laying things out. Lots of work, but well worth it! You can read a bit of its history here.

Check the book out for yourself, and feel free to ask me anything about it. I’m very proud of what I have accomplished with it.

Transforming Your Life From Blah To Legendary!: A Guide For Massive Positive And Lasting Changes In Your Life
