Interview with Stephen of Bosse Tools (USA)

I first heard of Stephen’s ergonomic shovel on and loved the idea behind it… as with all awesome designs… the need for this is SO OBVIOUS yet nobody ever thought of it! He’s launched a kickstarter campaign to make his shovel reality which you can find out about here:

Bosse Tools

What is Bosse Tools and what is it’s reason for being? Where did the idea come from?

Bosse Tools is a startup company that is revolutionizing hardware tools through ergonomics; we have reinvented construction, gardening, and farming tools. We developed an ergonomically efficient design that utilizes a rotational center handle. Our tools (shovels, rakes, brooms, pitchforks, etc.) maximize muscle usage and diminish strain – increasing stamina and reducing injury. I came up with the idea after working with my parents. I had been using a shovel for a few days in a row, and sore muscles made me think “There must be a better way to do this.” With some creativity, pen, and paper, I came up with the two-handed shovel – and the idea has taken off from there.

Is your Bosse Shovel the first thing you’ve ever designed? What tools did you use (physical and virtual) were involved with the prototyping?

Yes, the shovel was the initial design. We ran with the idea of just a shovel for a while, but eventually realized that these designs apply to a huge range of long-shafted tools. In order to create the prototypes, I started simple. First, I bought a regular shovel from the store and assembled some handles out of PVC pipe. For the next prototypes, I worked with a family friend who helped me weld together a few more robust models. Finally, we did some CAD work and made some more models using 3D printing. Each of these designs taught us a lot about what the final product would look like and how it would function.

Do you have a patent on your design or the concept behind it? How much of a concern was it before launching on Kickstarter of another company would beat you to market?

Yes, the design is currently ‘patent pending.’ There is always concern with people trying to beat us to market. We are moving fast as we can and making sure to cover our bases at every level.

What role will or have CNC machines played in the construction and manufacturing of your unique shovel?

We have used CNC machines to make our both ‘show models’ and ‘functional prototypes.’ We first used the CNC machine to make a prototype that we used to show at tradeshows and business pitches – it was primarily used to see if people were really interested in the concept. From there, we made prototypes that helped us finalize the functional models. These were used in testing the product in a few different variations.

Awesome EngineerVsDesigner Interview

Is this shovel your only product in mind or do you have plans to release a host of other ergonomic tools?

You hit the nail on the head – there are plans for ergonomic tools across the board. Even though the idea generated as a shovel, this technology can be implemented into all long-shafted tools.

Looking at your video, it seems like a lot of work was involved with creating your Bosse Shovel, how long of a journey has it been so far?

This has been an idea of mine for over a year now. I began developing it as a student in my university’s business program. When I graduated in May, I realized I had a viable business idea on my hands and I decided to run with it full time. I have spent the better part of 5 months working full time to get to the point that I am at right now.

What made you think that you could design something unique and bring it to market even if you didn’t have any formal education in design? Where did your passion for this come from?

The passion rests in innovation. I have always had a unique ability to think outside the box, and this is what sparks my ideas for design. It is hard for me to even draw a good stick-figure, but I enjoy coming up with ideas that nobody has ever thought of. What really made me think this is unique is the simple fact that there are so many thousands of injuries caused every year by using traditional hardware tools. My passion wasn’t to simply create a new shovel, but it is to create a product that is better and more efficient for the everyday America working man and woman – ultimately with the intent to make the workplace safer.

It seems to me like 60K is a drop in the bucket to launch a new company much less a manufacturing one – how are you able to make this with such a small kickstarter ask?

You are correct, 60k can be a drop in the bucket a manufactured product line. The truth is that I have invested a lot of my own time and capital in this idea. Beyond that, I was successful at multiple collegiate business plan competitions over the past year. Combining my winnings from competitions at Loyola Marymount University, University of North Dakota, San Diego State University, University of Manitoba, Chapman University, and Harvard University, I put an additional $25,000 into the startup. This, my own capital, and the Kickstarter money is what I will be using to make these tools a reality!

What would your advice be for others who have a product ideas but no skills to make it happen themselves?

Three words of wisdom that will ensure success: “Go” and “Don’t sleep.” First, I tell young entrepreneurs to “go” because so many people have good ideas, but they don’t do anything with them, and that’s frustrating. Get your ideas out there. Keep going, keep going, keep going. And second, I say “don’t sleep” because if you are truly passionate about your ideas, you won’t be able to sleep. They will keep you up at night. A true aspiring entrepreneur wants to spend every waking second playing with their ideas, because that is what it takes to succeed.

So… go ahead, you still have a few more days left to be involved with the best damn shovel ever designed!