Interesting Stats

I finally got around to updating my YouTube Channel at with playlists and by making playlists – I automatically get a running tab of videos and hours that I never bothered to do before. Let’s see how productive I’ve been through the years! Of course, creating all these playlists caused YouTube to flood my personal profile with “updates” in the hundreds… life is tough for my followers! One interesting fact is that these stats don’t cover everything… there is a limit of 200 videos in any one playlist and guess what… I’m way over in this department regarding 3D Assembly Animations. Across all my work, I’m up to 482 videos with the vast majority being related… I hope to double that in the coming year so you’ve seen nothing yet!

  • 31 minutes of 3D animated CNC table router projects
  • 2 hours and 40 minutes of “live” CNC table routing video with my ShopBot Desktop
  • 3 hours and a half (estimate – read not above) of 3D Animated laser cutting projects
  • 23 minutes of 3D animated 3D Printing projects (this is for the sister site,

Over the past few months – especially in the past few weeks – I’ve been incredibly busy building a massive video library and teaching system which I’ll announce about here on in less than a week… although it isn’t related what-so-ever – it did lead to a new venture which will be totally related later in the year.

As I always tell myself, knowledge in one field can be easily be applied towards another if you are smart enough!