Interesting Ponoko Observations

If you want to call us a Ponoko fans, we are cool with that! But we have noticed something really neat, we are pretty sure has by far the largest inventory of unique wood projects on their site. With this, we have been approached by many people regarding how we come-up with our ideas, what we plan on releasing in the future and interesting business opportunities. All these are good and fine but what really got our attention is that if you visit now, you will notice 3 of our designs are on their homepage!

In the small squares, you will see our bus, a little further down, under “use a designer” our little brontosaurus and if that wasn’t enough, our site profiled under their “Featured Designers”. We take this as a great honor and look forward to a long relationship with such a great company that is really, our other half!

We have a bunch of new projects coming out soon enough, so hang-in there! Taking a break to gain new perspectives is always a positive thing. Adding music to our 3D animations has been a great success so that will be continuing from now on.