I’m happy my indiegogo.com FAILED!

At the end of November of last year, I decided to launch an indiegogo.com for my upcoming CNCKing.com book and for various reasons, it completely flopped. I failed! This failure has been a great thing because it got me out of having to stick to a rigid timeline to get it published and out of the door!

I’m still very much adding to the book but want to cover all four CNC types, 3D printers, table routers, laser cutters and to a far lesser extent, plasma cutters and as such, the research and leads chasing for each has taking longer than I thought. If I was just making another book of templates with a few notes like my previous volumes – it would have been done but I really want to make this book an incredible resource for designing with CNC machines so I’m taking my time to get as much into it as possible.

If I would have succeeded in this indiegogo.com campaign, I’d really be under the gun – it would have to be done NOW so that the editors and proof readers have time to review the book, send me a proof etc… it’s a solid two months to get all this stuff done that now, I don’t need to worry about! I didn’t even have 3D printing or interviews in my mind when I first created this campaign – so I’ve allowed things to evolve slowly and the results will be great!

Take note, if you can find success in failure then you are way ahead of the game – at least in this case!
