I made that? Wow!

I’m filling in an application form for a very special program I’m hoping to get myself into and part of the process is submitting some of my past work. In all honesty, I rarely go back and view the work I have done as no matter how much I did in the past, the queue in my mind looking forward is just as endless.

I remember a comment on the forum that didn’t like me “advertising” a few days ago that a guy mentioned he though my Zulu Main Battle Tank was sick (in a good sense) regarding the detail and construction. I though nothing of it, I remember the model in my mind but just now, I looked at the animation in HD on my desktop and I have to agree… I made that?

Zulu Main Battle Tank Animation

My original plan was to make a whole bunch of futuristic models based on the time period in my science fiction but I got sidetracked with models that gave themselves a higher priority in my mind. The fun/hard thing about writing your own science fiction book is that you have to justify why, at least in your own mind, something is possible or not, including the evolution of what’s found in it. You can’t just write xyz character jumped on a flying pod… you got to describe it, give some detail as to how it came into being, capabilities etc… sounds easy but weaving it into a plot and storyline is easier said than done.

I’m into developing ancient weaponry at the moment, but the nice thing about design is that what you learn can and usually is applied to future models. From shapes that just “click” regarding form and functionality to different ways on configuring shapes together to perform a certain function. As the possibilities present themselves, their uses become as endless as their origins.