I get interviewed by Gusto Sign in Indonesia!

The nice thing about running a mostly digital business is that everything you do is available to everybody else in the world as soon as it’s launched. I had a physical order kit a few months back from a customer in Indonesia… the traditional way to handle such an order is to get it cut at a major cutting hub or existing client with a laser shop along with associated transport and customs fees but then I got thinking. I can get this cut and shipped from within Indonesia… I just need to find a laser cutting shop there to do it!

Well, long story short, I found a reputable laser shop, the customer got their order in a fraction of the time / cost and the company proceeded to write a blog article about WoodMarvels.com which you can read about now.


It’s in in their native language but you can translate it automatically using the Google Translate Bar.

The name of the company which I hope to send more business to as my Indonesian customer base grows is Gusto Sign which has two locations, one in West Java and the other in the capital, Jakarta.