Have an Awesome 2016!

When I started CNCKing.com (then WoodMarvels.com) over 8 years ago, I never could have imagined the path it would lead me down, truth be told – it has opened so many doors for me that I have yet to open all of them!

I started-off with a goal of designing 100 items, that flourished to well over 300 and it keeps growing, though I don’t share many of these projects here on CNCKing.com for resale. Reason being, we are doing more and more corporate work under NDA though my other company CNCROi.com. Not only can I not share those designs, I can’t even tell people I’m the designer much less show any photographs or hints of any sort. It’s quite a transition!

I’ve also enjoyed public speaking, most recently at IIDEX 2015 in Toronto. It was great sharing my passion with people to whom CNC had no meaning to them and an hour later, seeing the possibilities in their eyes. Some people at the talk knew CNC but not from the perspective I’ve had, self-taught and through trial and error. It’s one thing to have a machine, another to read books but wow, using one day in and out… that’s another view not many people get the opportunity to share.

My goal with CNCKing.com isn’t to design one of everything the world, that’s an endless pursuit as there is always “one more design” to be made, my goal is to share the possibilities with others for them to learn how easy this stuff really is and design their own things. This stuff REALLY ISN’T HARD if you spend a bit of time learning the ropes.

What’s great about this site though is that it’s ageless, a laser cut dinosaur I designed a few years back is still “new” to the person buying the file and best of all, as I gain experience in other fields, I can go back if I need a break and go on another design binge to share files here.

This is why I wrote the 5 volumes of books to teach you how to replace ME!

CNCROi.com has boomed essentially since inception, the experienced I’ve gained here learning about CNC machines, optimizing designs for different types and so forth has proven very fruitful to me and I hope it can be the same for you.

Although I haven’t released designs on this website for a while, there are others in the pipeline, I’m just not putting myself under the gun to release something new every week as I use to. I’m not nor have I ever been in competition with anybody but myself on this site… it’s a great position to be in.

Have an awesome 2016!