Guy Blashki of Ponoko likes Volume 4: Rise of the CNC!

I got my start with Ponoko years ago… although we’ve since gone different paths, they are still an amazing company that I only hear positive things from – I actually applied for each and every job opening they had when I first found the site! I’m proud to have been one of their early customers shortly after they started-up. Derek and David are really cool people and so are all the dedicated makers there – one of which is Guy Blashki and he was kind enough to write a book review on Ponoko’s blog.

He calls my latest volume “an encyclopaedic compendium of CNC know-how, covering topics from laser cutting and CNC routing all the way through to plasma cutting and 3D printing.”

You can read his review here:

Rise of the CNC on Ponoko

What I especially like the following:

As a CNC evangelist Jon Cantin is in a league all of his own… infamous hardware hacker and DIY inventor extraordinaire Ben Heck kicks things off with a foreword that highlights how CNC technology influenced his own workflow and creative career.

Awesome… never thought of myself as an evangelist but his description of Ben is dead-on… I was so happy when he agreed to write the foreword as he took time out of his crazy busy life to help me out – I look forward to paying back the favor when ever he writes a book!