Goodbye Facebook… join my newsletter instead!

I wrote earlier about my dismay with Facebook on several fronts, from advertising that doesn’t really do as promised to the general stifling of “fans” who may like my profile page but will only on very rare occasions, actually see one of the many blog posts I make here at and sister site,

Truth be said, even Facebook has admitted that the reach of “fan pages” will continue to decrease in favor of paid advertising. Put another way, if you like me, you won’t see my status updates unless I pay Facebook so that you do! I see the writing on the wall and want no part of it. This has been a long time coming: Facebook Sucks… you aren’t getting one more dime from me!

What Facebook has done is the oldest marketing trick in the book, give you something for free then turn around and once you are hooked, charge you for it. Even my personal profile, Facebook keeps hitting me up to send updates to my friends using money to reach all of them – seriously?

The companies I feel bad for are those whose entire marketing effort WAS Facebook – once they reach x number of fans, their plan was to pivot and launch their website… several of these “companies” have reached-out to me over the year to do something where both our Facebook profiles benefit, I think I did one or two.

I run my business with a certain philosophy, the biggest is that if you don’t own it, you have no control over it. This is why I designed so many projects (and continue to do so) for… even if all the designers who have helped make this site what it is left for some reason, the site would continue to thrive! I made a lot of business mistakes growing-up, some that cost me years of my life and money I wished I had now… I saw Facebook coming a mile away but only recently have I taken them up on their word and lost complete interest. I tend to stick with things beyond  logic in the hopes it will turn around!

I’m so happy I didn’t spend thousands of dollars “growing my fan base” as Facebook keeps telling me to do, I seriously get less traction as the profile is about to hit a thousand likes than when I had but a hundred!

Anyways, I won’t be logging into Facebook anymore, if things break… who cares, they represent such a small portion of my visitors (and that will only continue to dwindle) that them, like endless other platforms and “services” I’ve abandoned i the past, just aren’t worth the effort anymore.

So, if you love what I’m doing here at and – don’t bother liking my page, instead, join my newsletter as you’ll at least hear back from me! Just click this article and pretend like you are leaving and a pop-up will magically appear!

Goodbye MySpace FaceBook… it was nice knowing you!


Facebook, one of the most over-hyped businesses in the world… no wonder the executives mostly cashed-out and did early investors during the IPO. They were the smart ones!