Getting Back to Basics

People spend far too much of their lives surrounded by stressful situations, whether that’s running to your next meeting or checking your blackberry every few minutes just in case you missed that all important message… we need to get back to basics!

How / Why came into being

I actually began thinking of something along the lines of a few years ago while I was also living a stressed existence. I longed for simplifying my life, taking a break from the computer and its related distractions. I love the outdoors and find it incredibly relaxing to spend time out of the office exploring the environment around us beyond the concrete jungle most of us live in. Humans have been building things with their hands since the beginning of time, from pieces of art to weapons for protection but this seems to have been lost in modern times. Sadly, typing sentences on a keyboard is the closest most people get to using their hands, I want to change that! Finally, in 2007, the technology is available to enable this vision to come into being.

Simple Technology uses a simple e-commerce platform that sends the funds via credit card into my corporate account (i3DS International Corporation) once you order the step-by-step guide. You will then receive a link to download the PDF of the file(s) that you purchased. Things don’t end there, we also provide you with a link to download a 3D animation showing how all the pieces in the model you purchased go together but at a different perspective. You have full color imagery with simple to follow, non-technical text for every project almost on demand! The nice thing about this business model is that you get what you want right away and the files you receive are always up to date. We are constantly improving them so they are as clear as possible based on customer feedback.

The Bottom Line is a high-tech solution towards rediscovering your low-tech skills, Create Unique Memories today!