Get props in Rise of the CNC Machines!

IndiegogoI’ve been seeing lots of articles about crowd funding for projects and decided to take a leap and give it a try on the book I’m currently working on (and have been for the past year). It’s an incredible amount of time and money that goes into these books – hundreds of hours rendering if not thousands if you throw-in the assembly animations and video production… it really never ends. I really enjoy what I do and try to put as much value as I can in these books but I wanted to take things even further and allow users and companies, even before the books is finished and published – to take part it in.

The way I see it, there are lots of companies out there that aren’t well known in the CNC world – there are lots of fantastic designers in the same boat as well and my goal in life (one of them anyways) is to provide a means for them to get to know one another. Designers need CNC machines, whether it’s plasma, laser, table router or 3d printer and manufacturers need things to cut with their machines.

Long story short, check-out the campaign I’ve launched on

Now that my website issues are resolved (crossing fingers), it’s time to blow the roof off the house! Thanks to everybody for their support and I look forward what comes of this – it’s an experiment, let’s see if it can be a great success!