Gerald Thomas, Inventor : iWearTech (USA)

Gerald Thomas is an innovator and inventor of the iBuckle residing in the U.S.A. and designed a unique wearable technology that combines fashion and technology by joining two existing products together: belt buckles and iPhone casing. Key takeaways from this interview include:

  • Ideas come and go, it’s following-through that’s the tough part.
  • Timing is everything when it comes to licensing and finding key partnerships.
  • BEWARE of those BS invention marketing “scams” that will rob you of your hopes and dreams of making it to market.

You can reach him at his patent site

Where did the idea for a “buckle” wearable technology come from and can you describe the process you went through patenting it? How long did it take, cost and have you had any interest in licensing it?

The idea, of the “iBuckle” can to me when I was employed as a sales associate at (BR) Banana Republic, here in Chicago, after, transferring from Baltimore, MD. I wanted a LARGER audience (flagship store) so, decided to move here in March of 1998 …burrr ! Not much difference from east coat. At this time, maybe a little ahead of you, we, all were “wearing” ( pagers/beepers) I would have clients come in, to try on pant, and when one would remove, his ” belt ” they would often forget, that they were “wearing” the (pager) clipped to belt, and it would “fall” or client would “leave” behind in fitting rooms. I found a lot of them (pagers) this way. So, I said to myself : and a few of the staff .. ” Wouldn’t it be “cool” to have this technology, housed, in or as a interchangeable buckle ” ?? That way, one would have his or her (pager) as, apart, of the belt…buckle it up !

This way, you’ll know, when you were “removing” your device, you would “undo” your (pager/beeper/ buckle) then remove belt. No longer “dropping” or ” leaving behind” your personal communication devices. Buckles are a ” Fashion/Stylish ” statement, and the ” hardware” is readily available , for ” more ” use…
don’t you think…for the change, in ” times” that are coming…? The future of “wearable tech savvy” accessories are here ! The timing was in 1999, October, I set down with an agent from then: ” Invention Submission ” and we went through the process of what it would take to get “patented ” and ” fee’s” it would cost me….after, closing out my 401K, and about 5-6 thousand dollars later ( this was just for patent ) (marketing, the concept and getting…” screwed ” out of several thousands of dollars, by these…Marketing Firms, that promised, result .. to no avail ) and the lost of funds.

One interest was : ” MEDL MOBILE ” no deal…. Lawyer fee’s+ (IS) services; I then took trip to Egypt, Cairo ( I always wanted to see the Pyramid ) I was then granted : U.S.Patent # 6,597,281 ” Pager Belt Buckle Device” on July 21 2003. The concept is…. an” illustration ” of a pager, as a fashion accessory, that ‘s housed as, or in a buckle….I’d like to, incorporate, other technologies into the “pager” buckle as well…hints, the website: ( iPage-iBuckle ) link is available for 30days at a time.


What are the key benefits to the iBuckle? What problems does it solve?

The benefits of having this technology as, the buckle, would make, better use for this ” fashionable hardware ” to be “docking / or wearable chargers” to “house” one accessories…to wear, instead of “clipping” to ones belt, the technology becomes, apart of the belt….Buckles !


It’s no secret that Samsung and Apple are about to release an “iWatch” wearable technology, what are some of the advantages to having this technology on a buckle rather than a wrist? I’m curious as to why you didn’t, at the time, think of having a “buckle” on your wrist instead of on a belt and try to patent that (or both).

I never thought to have this technology at the wrist, first was the finger “) and of course now, we have the “iWatch”; buckles are “more” fashionable, and are a great ” visual “…I’m thinking, this would lead, to “”, to wear, when iPager-iBuckle, is “design” to have LCD screen ( facing outward ) that would “show” ads, various buckle decals ( to appea,r to be buckle when wearing )..that “move/stream” when communication device (cell) is in use/hand. Your iPage-iBuckle, will “display” on LCD screen, your choice of “movement” that’s been “downloaded” to your buckle device; when “docking” casing ( this is the iPager buckle, that attaches, to belts) is shown, when mobile device, is in use/hand.

What are some of the challenges that you have had to overcome thus far with your patented iBuckle and how have they been overcome? It looks like a relatively “cheap” technology to implement as you just need the strap to fit onto an existing mobile device… or is it more than that? Looks like a high margin business as a result.

My challenges, are still….trying to get a “developer” to work with me, and “see” what the possibilities, of making buckles, electronics possible…licensing or sale of patent rights. Yes, this can be done “cheaply” to start, then more “refined” after…..some money is made. Target market, would be TEENS/ HIP HOP artist …they set the trends, and tech savvy electronics, are what’s next ! Yes, we will be wearing them !


Did you always want to be an inventor growing-up or did you just fall into the inventing game? Have you had any success thus far either with your own inventions (iBuckle and Pisa tower) or those of friends I’m sure you helped them get patented as well? What advice would you give to people trying to make a living from their own inventions?

Ideas are always coming to me, I love to create, I think I’m just a artist, waiting for my BIG brake “) …someone to believe in me. I have another patent pending, idea that’s a new design in” pizza boxes ” this came to me, when trying to ride a bicycle with a 16″ pizza…….yeah, not, had to walk back home with cold pizza, and missed the rest of the game 🙁 I thought, it would be great to have a pizza box, that was a “Tower” like the “Pisa Tower” and you have a “Pre-sliced” half order box or a full order box, that was “tiered” to make “carrying” pizza when riding a bicycle easier. I have another appointment, so, I’ll have to finish up the other questions when I return.

Anything else you’d like to add?

Oh , I would advise any inventor to do their homework first and research the invention to see what similar products are out there. And BEWARE of those BS invention marketing “scams” that will rob you of your hopes and dreams of making it to market. Research, research, research ! I’m really at my wits end, out of work….5yrs. now, living as a houses keeper for room and board; with my…dog Jack Russell Terrier ” Josephine “jojo “, my muse, and one reason why I’m still surviving, I would even donate this patent to a developer for a small percentage for the rest of the patent life, which now is 9yrs.

Just to finance my others. I’m due for my third and final maintenance fee in 2005,, it had expired and I sold some personal belongings to make my second maintenance fee, late, and had patent ” reinstated ” now, I’d just like to find a ” developer” that can bring the concept to life ? Like ” Facebook” this would revolutionize the way our ” next generation ” wear…and use technologies!
