Future Car B CNC: New CNC Router Project!

New day… new CNC router project launch! When I first got my ShopBot Desktop, I decided to focus on the simpler laser models, if there were issues, it’s easier to solve when you don’t have too many interlocking parts. This project came out great from the first cut so you can get it now too, it’s the Future Car B CNC.

You can find this CNC model in DXF/PartWorks and PDF formats at WoodMarvels.com under Collaborations / ShopBot Tools. It’s a very decent size, as you can see from the live video below… enjoy!

I usually wake-up in the morning thankful of how cool my life is, I got great equipment, great partners and best of all… all my dreams are slowly coming together… and it’s all thanks to teaching myself how to design kids toys!

Future Car B CNC: Proof of Concept

Future Car B CNC: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)