First Chinese language book with some laser cut toys!

It’s not everyday that you pickup a Chinese language book and inside, you find wooden laser cut designs but my wife’s new book has just that!

Back Story

For close to a year and a half, I had the adventure of living in China… beforehand living in a few other countries such as Korea, Philippines, Australia (more on that later) as well as a few stop overs along the way. interestingly enough, started in a shoebox sized apartment in rural Korea! I had a serious travel bug that had been growing for quite some time and after my sister’s passing… I decided to jump head first onto what ended-up being a 5 year journey. I soon discovered a secret… if you teach English, you get an easy VISA into a country, free room and sometimes board AND you get paid too! The hours were great… usually about 20 hours a week… so I could essentially focus all my efforts on my businesses and take a break by teaching ESL to little rug rats. Is was like being on a 5 year paid vacation!


For years, I’ve been struggling to learn Chinese – as any entrepreneur will attest to – there is always more work than hours in the day. So I went to China hoping that it would help me, being surrounded and having no choice is a great way to learn! What came out of it was a new business, which started with language videos and progressed into a book based on how I wished I was taught. I remember getting the name of this business while crossing a rice paddy field in Korea in the middle of their summer. A year and a half later, my wife has released her first book and I’m still trying to find the time in the day to get this goal of mine nailed down.

The more you learn, the more you want to learn and the more cross-over there is between different stream of knowledge. As such, I’ve learned a lot from my wife’s business and and will benefit greatly… for instance, that’s where I got the goal to make videos for each and every product on (cutting to assembly).

lead to

If you look closely, you’ll notice the format is very similar although the content is very different between these two videos.


Hi Lucky,
I just received my copy of your new book. I love it!The font is clear, good for seeing the Chinese characters. I really like how there is a Chinese proverb before each lesson. You have included extra facts about China and Chinese culture that my teacher doesn’t have that much time to answer or I forget to ask. I’m starting the book tonight, and I’m hoping to set up lessons with you soon. This book is so student friendly, for the first time I didn’t feel intimidated when I read through the pages.

Thank you Lucky,
Thank you Jon,
From a very happy Mandarin Chinese student