First Batch of Physical CNC Laser Cut Animal Silhouettes

First batch of CNC laser cut animal silhouettes is now available on in a huge variety of materials, you pick the material, size and thickness and it’s cut and sent right to your business or home!

physical animal silhouettes

I will be booting-up my Trotec Speedy 400 flexx laser and doing some videos of all these animals being cut in one shot, they can be bought individually or in “scaled” packs where they are relatively equivalent to their real life counterparts but in miniature.

I do know there is a bug with the system where the more options you pick, the less “tier discount %” you see, it will be working ok soon enough.

These animals were all designed by David Newman, I will be supplementing them along with a bunch of other silhouettes over the year, this stuff is wickedly easier than building 3D models of these that need to be interlock as I’ve been doing for the past 8 years and a lot less can go wrong keeping it strictly 2D!

Not sure why I didn’t do this earlier, it’s a very nice break from the more complicated stuff we normally do for our clients with a mix of CNC equipment, materials and processes.

Enjoy the animals and looking forward to selling them all over the world!