First 8 Physical CNC Laser Cut Kits Online now has its first 8 physical CNC laser cut kits on its site! There is a lot more coming but a new chapter has now begun to be written.

physical kits

I tried to have a simple variety to start of kits, by far the toughest in this would be the Wooden Big Wheels but from simple brontosaur to a dead-easy fish pad, I think it’s a good mix to break the ice with.

All of these models I’ve built myself, many of them twice (CNC router and laser versions) and will continue to expand our 3D model kit section over time. There are also a lot of 2D shapes that I’ve designed too that will be coming online once I get the materials page up and running. When I say materials, I’m not kidding, you’ll have a crazy variety of materials at your disposal for your physical orders.

I spend the night in the shop cutting and engraving swatches to help you with your material decision processes, right now, it’s isolated to wood and acrylics but I plan on expanding into paper shortly. A 2D shape is a 2D shape so the material it can be cut or engraved into is almost endless… oh yeah, we can also turn that shape into a rubber stamp or Delrin seal… even solid metal if needed!