Facebook.com/CNCKingdom is Live!

Our Facebook page has now gone from way to hard to remember to an easy to remember Facebook.com/CNCKingdom! My goal is to bring CNCs to the forefront of the market, they are wonderfully fun and relatively safe machines, sure, some machines have loyal “thumb (or lack thereof) clubs” but members of such prestigious clubs will be the first to admit that the fault was theirs, not the cannibalistic tendencies of their CNC machines.

One aspect I really enjoyed about flying a plane (I have my pilots license) was that the pilot was always assumed to be WRONG until proven RIGHT for any accidents – it’s a completely different way of looking at “accidents” when in all reality, can be easily avoided. The responsibility is on YOU, the CNC operator, to make sure the machine and the environment you operate in is safe for yourself and anybody else around you and if something happens – more often than not, it’s YOUR responsibility to take charge as most likely, YOU caused it. I just really like the responsibility that these kinds of machines give to you which is different than say a car driver where there are always a million reasons why an accident happened and the operator is seen as the last one responsible most of the time. If more people took responsibility for their actions and related consequences, I believe our world would be so much better. Enough with my rant – head over to our Facebook page already!

