Fabbaloo writes about 3DMarvels.com!

I was very happy today when I got a heads-up that Fabbaloo, a blog that I enjoy now and then, did a review of 3DMarvels.com. You can read about it here:


I started 3DMarvels.com officially around the end of September and already it has gotten the attention of COLLAda.org and Fabbaloo! I totally agree with the author’s comments to the extent that the product selection is sparse but I believe the comparison made wasn’t a fair one. You cannot compare a site but a few months old with one that’s 3 years old and expect the same maturity!

I have several models right now waiting to be rendered into 3D but my rendering queue from running two sites with such heavy rendering requirements are slowing things down… but I’m in this for the long term, so I don’t mind waiting a little to produce higher quality media.

I am greatly humbled that 3DMarvels.com, with only 6 product can be compared with a mega site like TurboSquid, which I have used for animation work in the past. That’s an amazing compliment! TurboSquid is an amazing site, but their focus and mine are not the same though, not much would be required to make it so.

Stay tuned! More cool stuff in the pipeline (for both sites)! Also read about WoodMarvels.com Business Dilemma.