Evolution of Design… the next step for WoodMarvels.com!
Within the next week, I’ll be releasing my third volume of designs after teaching myself wooden design over the past few years. At first, I started with 2D designs then progressed to static 3D designs and now… I’m getting myself into geared work which I hope to power using elastic bands in the very near future. Basically, the more I design, the more I want to design and the more interesting the designs become!

Evolution of designs from simple 2D to 3D dynamic models!
I still very much enjoy making static 2D objects but see them more as a mental break from all the calculations and virtual testing required for making more complex 3D models.
My goal with WoodMarvels.com has always been to on-up myself while providing people with laser and CNC machines amazing projects that give them a sense of accomplishment when they are done. I don’t want to design crap that won’t last, I want to design woodworking projects that will amaze for years to come.
For me, WoodMarvels.com has opened opportunities that otherwise never would have been possible – it also allows me to enjoy global conversations with designers, makers, shop owners and students from around the world. I know I’ve only begun my design journey, there is so much more to conceive, design and built out there and I’d love to get into large scale installations and commissioned work in galleries but until then, my passion for woodworking keep on burning strong!
I enjoy getting the feedback from people making my creations (and those of other designers on the site) in addition to expanding people’s horizons regarding what is really possible given enough passion, time and dedication to a craft. I look forward to designing even more cool things in the future and allowing others to follow along my design journey!