Evil Skull: 3D Printer File Launch!

Evil Chrome Skull

Evil Chrome Skull... never looked so great!

A new project has been launched at 3DMarvels.com, an awesome Evil Skull which is currently available in STL only format. You can find it under Collaborations / Wilmer.

What I really enjoyed other than animating this Evil Skull model of course, was creating a glass texture that really shows how well designed this model really is by having it semi-transparent with refraction and internal reflections. The polished cement look also came out better than I had hoped.

One thing to note about this model is that 3DS Max decided to make it hallow for some odd reason but when Chris (the designer) 3D printed one, it was solid. As a result, I made a special not that the animation isn’t 100% accurate in this case, it is a fully solid model and the STL for it is the same one used to make the 3D solid printed model. This is why I haven’t released a COLLAda version of it on the site.

Evil Skull: 3D Printing Animation (720HD)

Rendering bottlenecks

I have a bunch of new models to release shortly but the current bottleneck in my production queue is rendering. I’m trying to alternate between HD animation production for 3DMarvels.com and WoodMarvels.com with little success. As a result, release schedules have been extended but as I see it, this is only a temporary situation and I believe quality has a higher priority than quantity at this point in time. If anything, I want to make far more extensive animations but this animation alone took 5 days to render, I have to be very selective about timing and scene management!