Ergonomic Shovel by Bosse Tools: 37 Hours to Go!

I’m happy to announce that Stephen’s Ergonomic Shovel by Bosse Tools ( has gotten all their funding money and they still have 37 hours to go… so be sure to get involved with one of the most unique shovels in history! I interviewed him earlier at so this time around, let’s take a closer look at the shovel itself.

Ergonomic Shovel by Bosse Tools

First off, let’s focus on the most obvious part, that huge and strong middle handle. Why is this so important? It’s about leverage, it actually makes what you are shoveling feel not as heavy as the angle from which you lift and the distance of the weight from your handle is less than half of what it would be otherwise.

Ergonomic Shovel by Bosse Tools

The fact that the handle can rotate is an added bonus and it can also be locked in. This means you won’t be ripping off your wrists should your body angle be different than the handle’s angle which might not seem like a big deal but it’s massive if you use a shovel for more than a few hours under load.

Ergonomic Shovel by Bosse Tools

This is awesome ergonomics and as a result, you can actually lift more than you could otherwise… so work longer, harder and get more done just by adding a handle midway through the handle.

Ergonomic Shovel by Bosse Tools

The hole in the base of the shovel to put in your foot is also genius… I’ve shoveled lots of stuff in my life and this means you don’t have to jump on one side then the other of the shovel head when going through clay… it’s always at a weird angle which this solves.

This all brings-up a question you may have… where can you get it? Well, head over here:

and while you are at it, if you want more information, get Entrepreneur Magazine’s October Issue where you can read a bit more about Stephen and his awesome ergonomic tools!

Ergonomic Shovel by Bosse Tools