Eiffel Tower @ WISnet

Alain had another great event at the Wood Industry Social Network (WISnet), which is a free networking group for members of the wood industry in southern Ontario. Last time I brought with me a Rocket Coaster model and this time, my friction fit Eiffel Tower!

Wood Industry Social Network (WISnet)

That’s me in the background in my active listening pose wearing my lumberjack outfit. WISnet has been great for me and I bring something new to every event to show people what can be done using only wood and a CNC laser. All my CNC table router projects were given away while I was in Australia and before I left Canada a few years back. The Trotec has been working hard every since my arrival!

This Eiffel Tower is 3/4 scale, cut out of 3 mm instead of 4 mm thick wood.

Wood Industry Social Network (WISnet)

As this is friction fit, humidity levels affect the fit of the side panels so learning from my experience in New York city a month back, this time I used an elastic band to prevent it from swinging out of shape. A disadvantage of using friction fit is that after assembling a model more than a dozen times, the friction becomes less so I have a feeling that the elastic band will be needed throughout our dry winters and no longer be necessary once spring hits. The top is the only spot I wasn’t able to create an interlock!

Thanks again Alain for creating such an amazing group, I really enjoy the conversations I’ve had during the past three meets and can’t wait to attend some more! This is one of the few groups that I’ll actually move my schedule around in order to attend… it works that well! There should be more groups like this, I’d certainly attend them all if I could!

You can find this model and a bunch more at CNCKing.com.