Dropping 1000Markets.com

Got a message from 1000Markets.com regarding the shop I set-up with them a few weeks ago which was approved by them. Here are the areas of friction they have outlined for me to “fix”.

  • removing a link to my animations – they instead want me to use the blog feature to show animations, it’s far more intuitive to have this on the product itself
  • remove any mention of a .com, in this case, WoodMarvels.com – they offer no suggestion as to an alternative
  • cut and assemble my kits THEN offer them on sale on 1000Markets – apparently selling kits isn’t allowed but assembled kits is fine (???)

My answer to these silly requests after they approved my shop earlier with these same issues

  • bye-bye

So far, the traffic on my 1000Markets has been pretty much zilch when compared to Etsy… of all the sites I joined, including ArtFire.com, Etsy blows them all away BIG TIME. In fact, my shop on Etsy.com already has almost 60 hearts from other users, whatever it means, I am guessing it’s more good than bad 😉

Random Animation: Pyramid Calendar