Dreams do come true… often in the most unexpected ways!

When I was a teenager, a continent struck my fancy in geography class and since then, I’ve wanted to live in Australia.  I remember that I once had an Australian t-shirt that I wore out over the course of a summer… it had the their national flag and it was my favorite. Coming from Canada where summer is measured in months, Australia sounded like a paradise to me! Well, I’m moving there at the end of the month!

What are you doing in Oz?

A few years ago I let it be known to clients of WoodMarvels.com and to as many companies as I could find that I was looking for a way to get a job there in the laser industry. I’ve been designing things for the better part of 4 years now (wow that went fast!) and wanted to get to know the other half of the laser cutting industry. Although I’ve been designing for this technology, I never actually used it myself! I designed based on how I thought things should work.

Though various contacts, a few sessions of e-mailing companies far and wide… I found a company that wanted to give me the chance and opportunity to work for them. That company is Evright – Australia’s largest trophy distributor and laser cutting/selling shop!


The whole process has been going-on since September 2011, I thought I’d be there in January 2012 but it seems VISAs take longer than they should and are more expensive that you thought but at least it’s all done and over with. I’m very excited to begin a new adventure… the last 5 years I’ve been living across Asia and now, I plan to settle permanently in Australia. My travel bug has been satisfied for a good long while – it’s time for me to settle down and start a family of my own. Time to build a whole new generation of toy testers and future designers!

What’s going to happen to WoodMarvels.com?

The site isn’t going anywhere, I got this job BECAUSE of WoodMarvels.com… it’s grown tremendously and I look forward to helping it grow even more in both product count and reach with the laser and CNC table router industries! Evright has contacts across the laser industry both national and international and working there gives me easy access to laser cutters, so expect to see a lot more laser videos on the site to say the least! I really look forward to meeting shop owners face to face especially at trade shows and in their shops. Delving much deeper into an industry that has opened my eyes and helped me grow personally and professionally.

I have so much to learn… and my dream of bringing wooden creations to the masses has lead to another one coming true… moving to Australia!

Oh yeah, my favorite book when I was a kid was From Alice to Ocean… I still have my copy of it to this day! This book is a must for anybody who wants to be adventurous!