Dozer: 3D Assembly Animation Released

Jonathan, the designer of the CNC laser dozer model has approved the 3D assembly animation I’ve made to make sure I didn’t miss anything so the next step are the assembly instructions.

Although this laser cut dozer project has over 450 pieces, it isn’t that bad assembly wise as most of that piece count is repeatable pieces such as the tracks and wheels… if it was 450 unique pieces it would be a different story but as you can see in the 3D animation – not that difficult to put together. That’s the mark of an awesome designer!

cnc laser dozer

Since I started, one of my goals was to produced 3D animations showing the assembly of all the projects – it does take time and resources but it allows people who don’t know English to still buy models in confidence that a project can be assembled with “minimal” effort. I’ve built hundreds of models and even I prefer making reference to the 3D animations to the assembly instructions I make for even my own designs! It’s just such a fantastic technology – being both user friendly and a great marketing tool for the site overall.

CNC Laser Dozer

Comparing the live picture from the 3D picture, you can see how much nicer and clean the 3D model of a project is by comparison – this is why I had such a great 3D industrial animation business about 15 years ago… I saw the power that this brought to industrial companies and that joy has been employed into the CNC project file space.

Oh yeah, if you want to get deeper understanding of Jonathan’s approach to design, you can read all about it in my latest book – Volume 4: Ultimate CNC Design Course… he was kind enough to share his knowledge with me and by extension, you.

You can find this model at under Collaborations / CNC Laser / Jonathan.