Downloading your own Iron Man Exoskeleton Project Files!

I tend to think about very complicated things in very simple ways, breaking them down to their individual parts. This is why I really enjoy designing things using 3D modeling and the challenge of turning 2D objects into 3D Marvels.

Inspirational: Raytheon Unveils 2nd Generation Exoskeleton Robotic Suit

The thoughts behind a powerful exoskeleton augmenting human abilities has been around for as long as man has created tools. They’ve been a mainstay of science fiction movies, from Ridley Scott’s Alien to James Cameron’s Avatar and far before that in books of all kinds.

I’ve been watching the development of this suit and several others through the years and the promise is great. Be as strong as the Incredible Hulk and maybe even, one day fly around like Iron Man using the power harnessed within an exoskeleton. It makes perfect sense for a variety of applications, so it comes to no surprise that the biggest backers are for the military application.

Raytheon Company – Raytheon Unveils 2nd Generation Exoskeleton Robotic Suit

Realization: You could actually print much of this using a 3D printer!

If you watch the video closely, you will notice a few things.

First is that most of the components there can be printed using a 3D printer right now! Sure, it won’t be as strong as titanium laser cut brackets but for something more common place like Halloween Costumes and rudimentary “body protection” armor when playing paintball. No problem!

Second, there really aren’t that many parts making-up the final assembly, we aren’t talking about a full encompassing exoskeleton here with missiles and guns like Avatar or the third Matrix movie, but the basic components seem rather straight forward for somebody with a bit of spare time on their hands to put together given the detailed plans to do so.

Third, the power supply is electricity, which means no need to get into the hassles and safety concerns of carrying gas or ethanol on your back which would be a big safety concern. Ironically, some of the largest machines on Earth use electricity generators powered by gas to move them. Not only is it safer, but it’s also far more efficient and streamlines design profiles.

Can you really print a working exoskeleton with a 3D printer?

If you want something to look like it but be strong enough to help you pickup a Twinki, sure you can! 3D printers have come a long way, in materials and speed… not to mention price. I do see a day, in the very VERY near future where you’ll be able to buy common household product files online (hopefully at A few years later, as materials improve, slowly merging into stronger and more specific applications. If you think 3D printers are cool, wait till they get to the atomic level in resolution… actually, they already are… wait till they get to the atomic level without requiring a fifth mortgage on your home! I see this EASILY happening in the next 20 years, if not sooner. The evolution is incredible in this space… just look at how inkjet printers have come and multiply that by 3!

The Bottom Line

We are at a crossroads, 3D printers are only the start but one day soon, they will be capable of making even alchemists blush with their power and magic!