Desktop Monitor Lift 3D Assembly Animation

Another thing I haven’t done for a long time here at, a 3D assembly animation!

Making these 3D animations serves three purposes, the first, it allows me to see what this model will look like at all angles in “real life”, second, it’s a fantastic way for me to double check to make sure the model I created actually WORKS and is buildable! Third, it’s a great way to market the finished 3D model… giving customers a way to visualize what I designed so they see how easy it will be for them to do the same, cut and build it like I’m about to do.

I also took a few renderings at different angles, more visual candy!

desktop monitor lift desktop monitor lift desktop monitor lift desktop monitor lift desktop monitor lift desktop monitor lift

I did plan on cutting this a few days back but had a few projects at that needed to get done and just didn’t get around to it. Should be good to cut this over the weekend along with a few other models… I have a small backlog of models that I’ve already cut but not assembled sitting in boxes yet to be put together.

As long as there is some progress on these things, I’m happy… no matter how slow it may be. Quite a change of pace from a few years back when I use to design a model a week… thankfully I’m very efficient on that front, the hold-up certainly isn’t the cutting but the building. Desktop Monitor Lift 3D Assembly Animation