Designs inspired by the Military

I really enjoy pushing what I think is possible for wooden toys, having the freedom to create something that is truely unique and in that “I wish I had that when I was young” category takes quite a bit of work and research. Research whose beginings I thought I would share with visitors.

I am truely fascinated by military equipment, sure, over a trillion dollars is spent annually for making machines that are a few steps ahead than a bullet but at the end of the day, this amont of investment leads to some fascinating discoveries and technologies. For instance, the Zulu Main Battle Tank, a design based on an upcoming book I am writing, got lots of inspiration from this youtube video about how the Russians designed every kind of tank conceivable, from jet powered to some that actually dig underground to get to their destination!

While the idea for a retractable gun came from watching videos like the Sweedish Archer Artillery System.

I really enjoy watching machinery of all kinds, seeing how it works and the ideas or people behind them. For instance, this very fascinating snow vehicle concept from the early 20th century that seems way ahead of its time and makes me wonder why the heck it never made it into serious production!

Essentially, machines of all kinds can provide a small glimpse that help me in developing unique designs not available elsewhere. I enjoy the research as much as designing the projects and the more complex the machine, the more enjoyable the challenge.

I also enjoy diversifying and challenging myself in areas that I have never built things in before, such as board games, paper weights and even rather simple looking business card holders.

The Bottom Line

If I can think of something neat, I build it and share it with the world.