Croc Head Organizer: New CNC Table Router Project Launch!

This massive Croc Head Organizer is made-up of 9 pieces with the dimensions @ 7mm L: 120, W: 190, H: 340 (mm) or L: 4-23⁄32 W: 7-31⁄64 H: 13-25⁄64 (inches) cut across 5 x 500mm x 400mm sheet of plywood.

Croc Head Organizer CNC Table Router

This CNC table router project is now available on under Table Router / Business and it works great – I made it slightly larger than my average 6mm just because that’s the thickness of the material I had on hand but scaling a project up or down is incredibly easy.

Croc Head Organizer: 3D Assembly Animation (1080HD)

Below you’ll see that I screwed-up a bit on the plans (which have since been fixed) but that was a minor oversight was I was focused so much on getting the jaw angle perfect so that it worked right that I forgot to focus on the base part that was part of another project (the laser version of this project will come out shortly).

Croc Head Organizer: Proof of Concept