CreativeBloq features 3D Printed Mars Rover Project

Even if this article was written last year, it’s still sending me traffic which is nice – that’s how I discovered it! Michael made this amazing 3D Printed Mars Rover and allowed me to add it to the catalog under Collaborations / 3D Printing / Bowers. The 3D animation I produced for his project was picked-up by CreativeBloq which you can read about here:


Now that I have my 3D Systems Cube, I look forward to 3D printing and assembling this model – I have a few of my own models I want to test and build first but this one is on my list for sure to test and video… it’s a fantastic project and showcases very nicely a way to build a model around the limitations found on lower-end extrusion systems.

If you are a little confused by the name found in the article and animation – about two months after this was written, along with was merged into the current along with a major house cleaning across the board – the result was a far more functional site that has given me so much extra time in my life that I can now get even more awesome stuff done!