Cool CNC Videos

CNC metal pig

Here are some cool videos from across the net of CNCs doing their best!

I’d love to get a CNC lathe, this shows you the kind of work you can do with it without having to actually do it (other than the virtual design) and best of all, one or a thousand, they will all be identical though I’m pretty sure casting would be a more efficient system. Great looking metal pig!

I wished all women were this easy to work with… this aluminium torso looks amazing! What I especially like is that they cut through to show the software making the tool paths and the steps involved in creating the finished piece.

It’s incredibly impressive the detail and precision you can get with a CNC machine which is why I really like to design for them and play with them so much. I’m not sure how much these blocks of metal and aluminium/titanium but I’m guessing at least a few hundred dollars – not a cheap hobby to be in for sure! You definitely want an automatic tool changer for these CNCs!

And now you know how they make all those wooden sculptures at the Buddhist temples… you bet… with a multi-head CNC! What’s nice about wood is that it naturally hides (if you use the right bit size) any marking that would give away how it was made. I always wondering how they got them so identical at the markets as you can’t hand-craft two identical pieces – now I know!