Coaster and Puzzle Die CNC: New Project Launch!

Coaster and Puzzle Die CNC

Coaster and Puzzle Die CNC

Phil developed the original laser version of this coaster and puzzle die and I’ve adapted it to be cut now with your own CNC router! It only has six pieces but don’t let that fool you… it’s actually quite tough until you know how it goes together!

The CNC die is about 13cm square and is cut from a single sheet of 500mm x 400mm plywood that’s 6mm thick.

You can buy it right now at under the heading ShopBot CNC in Partworks, Adobe Illustrator, EPS & DXF file formats.

There is no 3D assembly animation and you can view the live cutting of the die without knowing how it’s suppose to go together unless you really pay attention.

Coaster and Puzzle Die CNC: Proof of Concept