Think it, Build it, Sell it!

I’ve now finalized the working copy of my upcoming book with a new final title: Think it, Build it, Sell it! Think it, Build it, Sell it!

The reason for using instead of is because the two are very much interchangeable, King in French is Roi. I have very big plans for both properties as my capabilities keep expanding, just compare this 500+ page book to my first volume and you’ll see it first hand. There are always new holes to plug in any business model, that’s part of the fun and challenge of running a company.

I’ll be using this book to show clients of the capabilities that I offer but also it’s far more than just a design book as you read about in the previous blog post, SEE INDEX HERE. It makes for a great gift and unlike the 4th volume published almost two years ago, this one goes far deeper into the industry across a variety of disciplines from manufacturing to design and even prototyping to funding your idea!

Now the tough part, trying to think of a cover! That’s why the right side is blank… both front and back cover are tentative at this point while the insides get some editing. I’ve already applied for the various copyrights for this upcoming book so I’m expecting to receive a draft copy of the completed book by month’s end. Figure another month after of revisions, editing and refinement and it should be out in August!

This has been two years of work, lots of designers, businesses, lawyers etc. involved and it’s fun to finally see it all come together and soon, out in the hands of people all around the world.

Each time I publish a new book, it’s an exciting time. Thanks to customers and designers for making all this possible!