’s Eiffel Tower Build Video by David Newman

I sent the files for the upcoming Eiffel Tower that I’ve spent the last month designing and documenting here on‘s blog. David Newman, a designer on this site took it onto himself to cut and assemble it for his business showcase at Blue Tongue Engraving.

(feel free to click the video to see it full screen)



As you can see, he didn’t just cut it with his Trotec Speedy 500 but also painted it and quickly thereafter, his lizards, Coralie and Rudolph decided to climb it. Notice the ruler at the bottom of one of the pictures and the fact that these lizards measure 30cm each – to give you an idea of scale. Note that the sample in the pictures was scaled for 3mm material so it is 3/4 size compared to the 4mm version that will be released later.